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Geotechnical Engineering has capacity for investigation of mechanical and hydraulic properties of geo-materials, based on standard and advanced laboratory testing. In addition, full-field measurement of ultrasonic velocity of different materials can be gathered in the laboratory.

We have experience and knowledge in routine testing for geo-material characterisation (such as grain size distribution, water content, Atterberg limits etc.), Constant Rate Strain (CRS) and triaxial testing, permeability testing and ultrasonic measurement methods. We also have expertise in clay till mechanical behaviour, especially in Scania.

Our facilities house equipment for manual sampling and sampling extraction, routine testing, including an oven and deionizing water system, and CRS equipment for testing deformation properties. We also have a triaxial test device for sample size ranging from 38 mm to 100 mm diameter, with a maximum confining pressure of 1.7 MPa. The device is equipped to run drained and undrained tests as well as permeability tests.

Page Manager: | 2023-03-30